Mt Taranaki

Mt Taranaki

Monday, August 07, 2006

Book worms

For free choice today Pearl and Tui chose to read and
Jacob decided to type a passage from a
Captain Underpants book. It was the first time he has ever typed using the keyboard proparly and he had trouble finding all the letters
(why isn't the b next to a? why are they capitals but write in lower case?) but he persisited with out getting frustrated (yay!) and when he was finnished he said
"man, that was hard out on my brain!"
Haha, go Jake!


flowerpot said...

way to go Jacob, you will be able to type Josh an email now and tell him what you have been up to.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jake, do you know why the keyboards have all the letters jumbled up like the 'qwerty keyboard'? Firstly it is called a qwerty keyboard because the first six letters spell the word 'qwerty' - easy eh. The reason for making the qwerty keyboard was to make it harder for the typists to find the keys.. which in turn slowed the typists down. They needed to slow the typists down because on the old original typewriters they had keys that used to push a lever, (the levers had the letters on the ends), up so they struck the paper thru a ribbon of ink. This system worked fine until the typists became so quick that the levers would jam as the typist typed. This would make the typist stop typing because she would have to untangle all the stuck levers. So to make it harder for the typists to type fast they designed the qwerty keyboard. This is about the only time you will hear of a boss wanting to slow his staff down!

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

Ooh good one Grandpa! You educated Mum too and now she has bright ideas about finding a old type writer for us to look at! I think she will also get us to do stamping now too! Love Jacob (with a little help from Mum!)