Mt Taranaki

Mt Taranaki

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Jacob at work

Photo 1 Jacob finishing off a picture he made using a ruler and felts today. Jake recently bought his own ruler using part of his pocket money and he enjoyed making this so much he made another one in his free time! Tui recently did a math unit on measuring (mm, cm, m) and Jacob and Pearl helped us brainsotm ideas on why it was important to get measurements right...Jacob loves to build things so this was a practical way ( we don't have any wood at the moment!) for him to learn how to measure correctly and we found out that when you don't measure correctly things don't always work out. (Hence his chimney that required renovations!!)
Photo 2 (Opps, I cant seem to add it to this post after it's been submitted! Check out the post called motobike maths)The biker dude is going for a spin around the block and Jacob has to rule the lines, (following logical order of numbers) then work out how many rocks he has to dodge (17) and how many houses and trees he had to go past. Goal: For Jake to learn to count higher than 14 and to learn to read the numbers so he knows what order to put them in! No wonder he has renewed interest in maths! No prizes for guessing who helped design this worksheet!

1 comment:

flowerpot said...

Hi everyone, it was great to catch up and get to know you yesterday, love your new blog, keep up the good work Tui and mum, Jessica is looking forward to hearing from Tui again, talk to you soon,
Nicky and the J's