Mt Taranaki

Mt Taranaki

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Sun Flowers, seeds for the world.

Today the kids made potatoe print sunflowers for our earth unit. They had a great(messy!) time making them and we discussed all the ways we use the sunflower, seeds for human and animal food, sunflower oil for cooking, flowers for decoration and the benefit of having Sunflowers growing in the garden- attracting insects and birds that in turn play another role in the garden. We talked about keeping the soil healthy, composting it and preventing poisons from getting into the dirt and we looked at places in books that were badly poluted in the world. The kids were quite surprised to see Polar Bears scavanging in piles of rubbish on a river bed and to see beaches that have been deserted because of the high level of pollution.


skatey katie said...

yo chick!!!!
i have a love affair with sunflowers: especially van gogh's.
in fact, yellow is my fave colour, followed closely by pink and brown :o)

those potato prints look absolutely fabulous: the potato surely is a versatile thing !!!
i have made lots of christmas paper over the years, using potato prints.. usually *stars* !!!

ok, gotta get my M4 outta the bath..

:o) love, kate-from-ten-pin-bowling

flowerpot said...

great sunflowers kids, bright and sunny.
from your friend Nicky lol

Anonymous said...

I love your sunflower picture Pearl! Maybe you could grow some sunflowers in the summer. They grow really fast, look amazing and lots of bees come to visit them and get the pollen. Then when they die, you can collect the sunflower seeds. I wonder how many seeds you could get from one sunflower??
