Mt Taranaki

Mt Taranaki

Monday, September 04, 2006

Jacob's book

All of the kids love the Simpsons so we made the most of it and did 'Simpson' stories. The kids wrote and illustrated their own books. Jacobs story goes like this...

Bart wanted to go on his skateboard.

He wanted to skate fast.

Very fast!

He went so fast he crashed into a car.

Oh No!

Jacob really wanted me to post a photo of his Bart coverpage to show Grandpa and Stig!


Anonymous said...

Hi there Jacob,

Stig and Bree are in bed, but I think this is GREAT, and I will show them in the morning! Bet they will love it :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jacob
I really like your picture. It's really cool! I like watching the Simpsons too (but Mum doesn't let me sometimes, only Dad).


Anonymous said...

Hi Jake, I think you have done a very good job of drawing Bart on his skateboard.... I have never watched the program on tv and even I recognise Bart.
Keep doing good work like that and you may be able to sell them like mummy does with her art..... that would be sooo cool eh Jake - have somebody pay you for enjoying yourself and doing your favourite hobby.
Just keep practicing Jake and you will be able to do anything.