Mt Taranaki

Mt Taranaki

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Treasure Hunt


Last Monday the girls and I went 'tadpoling' Jacob wanted to go with Dad instead so I gave him a list of things to find:
A big leaf, 3 things that start with 'St' somthing that starts with G, N and P, something that will float, something that will sink, a seed or a seed-pod and something round....
the girls and I didn'y find tadpoles (we ende up buying them from the pet shop!) but we did catch waterborne insects for them to eat and we looked at what sort of things were living in the water way...we picked up bits of algae and took a look at what was living in it and tried to find clues ( other kids,bird life, cats, stagnant water etc) to the dissapearence of the tadpoles... Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool game, we might give that one a crack!

Jo, Stig and Bree xxx