Mt Taranaki

Mt Taranaki

Friday, February 16, 2007

Stamp collecting


We did geography today with stamps and flat travellers....
I got the stamps from Trade Me, they are mostly NZ and Australia but we also got some cool English stamps, American stamps, 1 from Italy and 1 German stamp...Jacob wanted the superbike stamp (no surprise there!)from Australia and the girls chose these other 2....
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jakey, I went to see the motorbike racing in Australia when they brought out this stamp a couple of years ago, and I remember thinking they were soooo cool!
Maybe you kids will be stamp designers one day and you can get to choose what goes on the NZ stamps!
I look forward to seeing those...

Sometimes at Christmas time the post office has competitions for kids to design a Xmas stamp.
