Mt Taranaki

Mt Taranaki

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Flat Chi and our ALTERED book

At school I was never allowed to draw in books let alone alter them! The kids have enjoyed his though and know that this project dosn't nessecarily apply to other books! For hand writing on this particular day we decided to alter this book. It has some really beautiful pictures but the story wasn't very good! We decided to start writing our own one! the challange was coming up with words that still related to the pictures and still giving the story flow. I didn't post the pics in the right order in my rush to get them done while blogger will still let me!
We started this last term when we were learning a little bit about Japan. I bought some origami papers on Trade me when the kids were really into origami and the scraps came in handy for this book! Flat chi is one of our flat travellers that we have staying.
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