Mt Taranaki

Mt Taranaki

Monday, October 09, 2006

First day of term 4

Well the kids were excited to be back 'at school' so I guess we must be doing something right! We did a lot of revision (using flash cards and verbal questions)to see how much they remembered

after 2 weeks off and they all did pretty well. Wheeew! Here we are playing monopoly, Pearl counted out all the money for us. Unfortunately although the game got off to a good start it ended up in world war three erupting so we didn't finnish it! Never mind. We ended up making some cool cards for a cousins up coming birthday...speaking of birthdays ONLY 3 SLEEPS TO GO!!! Tui is seriously excited and can't wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Wish we could have been there partying with you! Nice to talk to you all on the phone.

xxx Jo, Stig and Bree