Mt Taranaki

Mt Taranaki

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Antartic Enclosure


The kids made this cool antarctic enclosure out of 99% recycled materials. An old box was used for the house, the plastic from another box, egg cartons were turned into rocks, scrap cardboard penguins and cotton wool for snow.
We did a lot of verbal and hands on activities as opposed to 'book work' talking about their environment, what a group of penguins is called etc and decribing the Antartic environment( slippery, icey, freezing, shivery...)it was a great activity and utilised a lot of our 'hoarded' boxes! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

really great work Tui Pearl & Jacob
The penguins look that real that they could waddle down the road But all their snow would melt in the sun.I wonder if penguins can get sunburnt? I suppose they can as most other animals do.Keep up the great work Your schoolings much more interesting than mine was
lots of love nana & rip xxxxxxx