Mt Taranaki

Mt Taranaki

Friday, November 24, 2006

 Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You three kids are just so clever, and you are doing such beautiful things, and you have such a clever mum who takes such beautiful pics and posts them up for all your faraway friends to see. We love looking at your work, and seeing you, and what you're doing, and reading your stories (and that includes you, Lisa!). Wow. Blown away. You're all looking really well, too, and pretty/beautiful/handsome, though we all know a kind heart is more important. Still, it's nice to be a clever looker, too, and you guys so are :D
Stig and Bree love seeing your stuff, and want to show you theirs. Only I'm not nearly as dedicated when it comes to computer time, so you'll have to make sure you come and see us, but don't worry, we'll come and see you just before Xmas!!!
xxx Jo, Stig and Bree