Mt Taranaki

Mt Taranaki

Friday, November 03, 2006

Mash 'em


Today we did a science experiment using our high tech ;) bowl (for a mouth) fork (teeth) old inhaler mouth piece (throat) and the Push Play balloon (stomach) to see what happens to our food (over ripe banana)when we eat it. The point of it all was to see how excercise helps our body to work proparly. We took turns at lighty squeezing the 'stomach' to simulate muscle movement while sitting and then harder to simulate muscle movement while excercising.
To Jacob's amusement we also squeezed it back out...I will let you work out what that simualted!! It was great fun and it got my point accross well- although Tui thinks I might be a little crazy now! haha. Posted by Picasa

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