Mt Taranaki

Mt Taranaki

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Guy Fawkes at the speedway

It was great at the speedway we saw lots of races and crashes.
One of the cars crashed and he got run into by the other cars -it was like ten pin!
Just before the fire works started the crowd counted down from 10 and then the lights went out. Suddenly it was really bright because the gunpowder in the firewroks went off. As the fireworks came down closer to you they made a big
and gave me a big fright and made me shiver.
They were gold, purple, red, green and pink and
I thought they were very pretty.
By Tui
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Anonymous said...

hey great photo kids Tui the colours sound fantastic Im so glad you all had a wonderful time and enjoyed the fireworks and the BIG BANGS Have a happy day

Anonymous said...

Gee, it sounds like you all had a great time at the speedway.
Arn't those huge rockets so loud. I love the way all the little coloured fireworks come out of the big rocket when it goes off.
Did you notice that you can 'see' the rocket when it explodes up in the air before you can 'hear' it.
Do you know why that is??
It's because the speed of light (and that is what we see) is faster than the speed of sound, so we 'see' the explosion before we 'hear' it.
Next time you see fireworks look out for the big rockets and you will 'see' what I mean.